The making of The Winds over Eden
Day 1 - 2025-02-17:
I started today by setting up my project in unity. After that I made the menus and necessary managers. With those done I went on to start on the gameplay scene, making the ingame options menu and the visual layout for the shop before starting on tomorrows work of the gameplay scene.
After that I took some time to work on this website, personalising it and making it show the progress for the day. On future days the site progress will not be reported.
Day 2 - 2025-02-18:
I set up the combat scene to play out, handling deaths, survival, dealing damage and preparatory work for different effects such as death rattles, after attack effects, taunt and slay. It is all flowing along surprisingly well and if this pace continues I’ll have the game done before I know it.
I am planning on putting the stage and money logic in the ShopManager so it handles the transition of stages.
At this point I am a day ahead but need to replan a little bit so I can make most permanent changes take place in the shop and figure out how to send any permanent changes to it from the combat scene.
Day 3 - 2025-02-24:
I set up the shop scene and made it viable to go shopping along with adding a player class I can store data in for gold, lives, exp, and levels. The hud also got a touchup and I created all the enums for the build-up of abilities. This makes it so that finishing rounds actually rewards the player. It also has a Levelup function that manages exp when leveling so the rest of the game doesn’t have to.
Along with that I created a card class so I can drag them around and attempt to purchase the cards by calling on the ShopManagerScript which for now always returns true meaning that a card on the lower part of the screen always gets purchased.
This has been made possible both for mobile and for desktop users as I intend to make the entire game availiable both on mobile aswell as on pc.
The card class also handles a struct called Ability in a List which will be used down the line to decide when abilities activate, and what they do.
And last but not least text has been provided and an outline for the cards has been made so they can be better represented when not in their played form. Currently thinking of how I’ll decide where the hand is as space is relatively limited with the size of objects. Perhaps I will make the allies line up almost straight on the board in the shop with just enough Y axis offset to still show which are frontrow and which are backrow.
Day 4 - 2025-02-25:
I spent the earlier part of the day making it so I can actually add cards to my hand in game while simulatainiously implementing the handling of money by the player so that the player is actually limited in how much they can buy. The plan is to tomorrow implement playing units to the board so you start with nothing. After that I’ll be dragging them to the combat canvas from the shopping one.
The latter half of the day was spent setting up a git repository for the project so I’ll be able to work from home as well during the weekends for the fun of it.
Day 5 - 2025-02-26:
For the first half of the day I made it so card can be played from the hand and appear on the board with correct stats, names, descriptions and abilities. Along with that I also made a display windown for the ally’s name and description when hovered.
(An ally is a friendly unit or a played card. A card is what they are in the shop and hand.)
The latter half of the day went to making the description dags show up when you hover the mouse over a specific ally and mentally structuring for thinking about how I’ll make the hand split itself properly to show more cards at once and a way to move stats, abilities and so on to the combat board.
Day 6 - 2025-02-26:
The day started with a minor disaster as I realized that I hadn’t been working with the canvas fit to screen space. So the day started off with changing that and replacing everything on the screen so it’d be located properly.
This was also a chance to do some minor redesigning of the UI. So everything should look ever so slightly better. And as it was a day for polish I decided to make the hand work a bit better in the meantime.
After lunch I went on to make it possible to transition from the shop to the combat canvas. Creating functions for the swap and the swap back along with a variable to decide if combat has started or not along with a short delay before it begins to make things look a bit better.
(In the image do note the 1 gold from a sold unit.
Day 7 - 2025-03-03
Today started off with me purchasing the site, making it public and editing the footer notes to hyperlink properly.
I then implemented an empty interface for the refresh button and make the level up button work meaning the player can now level up by pressing it after paying the listed price.
After having done that I proceeded to continue on the shop->combat transition, making it work but also bringing the combat unit script up to snuff so it can be worked with more easily in the future. Having gotten all the transitions and base menus done the stage is set to start loading from jsons.
But first I needed to work on my CV, see to it that that part of the course was kept up with as well so as to see to it that I could show any future employers my best side.
Day 8 - 2025-03-05
Before lunch I started off on updating my cv and website so it’d be in a much better state with a proper homepage and all. Then after lunch I realized that I can use masking to make all images circular in Unity. This means that when I go on to make prog art for the project I can save a lot of time. I am really starting to regret not using prefabs more, so I might fix that on some future day, turn a lot of the project into them so I only have to edit in one place to edit all of them.
Then at the last minute of the day I realized you can’t sell cards directly from your hand so I made sure to fix that.
Also note the new borders to the allies.
Day 9 - 2025-03-06
I started the day off by making the card editor manager script which I’ll use to make cards to load in.
After having created the script for that I created the editor itself. And updated the script with the necessary input functions for the different data.
I then spent the later part of the day on my personal letter as well as helping my classmates make their own ones.
The next time I work on the project I shall make the card creation a full reality. (It will still be a while until I can read the json into the program afterwards).
Thought for the day: As I work on this project more and more the more I realize how self explanatory Unity is and how much I enjoy working in this kind of environment.