Past Projects
Project 5: Spite: Catharsis
On this project I handled the level loading, the navmesh, its navigation, switching of it, the player, his attacks, movement and input, along with navmesh editing.
What I learned from it
Hindsight is 20/20 but the lessons I learned from this one relate mainly to control how much time I invest into a project and don’t overwork myself because the underlying systems are flawed. I did not check the lower level systems in this project and paid for it dearly in both time and effort, teaching me to be more careful with where I put effort and to be more critcal of whatever engine I work in.
I also learned how to work around things that simply do not work much more efficiently such as merging all the assets of certain types in a level into one so the failing rotations of the engine don’t matter.
Another important lesson was to not trust assets just because they were given to me as I was given a heavily flawed inital navmesh and had to manually fix it in order to be able to test out my mesh navigation within the levels. If I hadn’t figure this out the game would not have been playable what so ever.
Last but not least was a major lesson about teamwork and asking for help when I’m picking up too much work for my own good, taking over tasks for others along with my own so I don’t sink.
Project 4: Alien Prospect
On this project I made the logic for the menus, HUD and sound. Both recruiting the artist for the soundtrack as well as editing and creating sound effects.
What I learned from it
How to interact with sound files along with a bit of their editing. Other than that it was very good to learn about porting my UI systems to different projects as well as customising them to work in different environments.
Project 3: Codename Robin
On this project I made the logic for the menus, HUD and postgame screen. This included switching scenes, timers, keeping scores, controller detection, prerolls and playing cutscenes.
What I learned from it
How much impact you can have on a game by making an advanced stats screen as it lead to everyone who tried the game attempting to improve their times and scores anytime they played through it.
Project 2: Between life and death
On this project I made the logic for the player and a majority of the grid system.
The game went on to win Mobile game of the year at the Swedish Game Awards.
What I learned from it
In this game I created a blob of a movement function which was a very valuable lesson in antipatterns and why they should be avoided as it lead to negative time spiral where towards the end of the project updating things took a very long time.
While dodging this issue I learnt how important a solid foundation is as I managed the entire grid of the world in 3x3 chunks. This solid foundation meant that we could carry on despite the topheavy design to win an award. This was an important lesson in sometimes with games the secret is just to make things work rather than to make them pretty as the quality of the game is up to the player and the code isn’t necessarily something the player will see.
Project 1: Fledge
On this project I made the logic for the menus and score system along with the video playing, making the menus really come alive.
What I learned from it
This game was my introduction to unity, teaching me a lot of the quirks of the engine and how skilled some people are with it. It was also my first introduction to a component system, teaching me how to think a lot about how games handle entities.
As an aside to that I also learned a lot of how to bend unity to my will and manager systems, something I’ve carried with me and use regularly to save time and prevent some spaghetti code from time to time.
Personal tool project: TUD
TUD (The UI designer) is a tool for building UI by creating jsons that can then be read by a game to create a functional UI containing both image names and names for the buttons so the programmer can know what the object it. Along with those datapoints it also handles UV and position for the individual objects.
What I learned from it
To not get carried away and create something with a purpose, cutting away extras and just focusing on what is required by the project and what the end user requests in order to make things simpler for both ends.